Staffmax Healthcare Staffing is certified by The Joint Commission and has earned its Gold Seal of Approval
Find the Perfect Job For You
Staffmax Healthcare Recruitment Services specializes in the temporary and permanent recruitment of medical professionals for hospitals, private practices, clinics, and family medical groups. Staffmax provides a comprehensive and collaborative approach to helping medical practitioners and corporations grow their practices.
With a professional approach, we help discover, attract, and select doctors who fit into and compliment your existing team. We work on both contingency and retained search agreements and customize each Recruitment mandate to meet the unique needs of each client organization.
Staffmax Healthcare offers medical facilities across North America with the opportunity to fill vital non-clinical roles in their facilities. With 15 years in the business, our specialized recruiters who work with
our staffing division can quickly fill roles ranging from Reception, Medical Secretary, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Shipping/Receiving, Orderlies, Cafeteria Attendants, and more.
Our services also cover Executive Search, IT, Accounting, Legal, and Customer Care. Whatever roles your facility needs to fill, Staffmax Healthcare can be your one stop shop for all your needs.
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Recruitment Services
We manage the process from advertising, job postings, direct search, interviewing, candidate screening, and credential verification. We recruit for, and assist with, all growth models including partner and associate arrangements, staff models and part-time employment including remote access and telehealth service delivery arrangements.
Our focus is on the recruitment for family physicians and clinical specialists. We understand, respect and adhere to the strictest of privacy protection practices. All employers and candidates are assured confidentiality and privacy with Staffmax Healthcare.
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At Staffmax, we focus on the recruitment and matching of only the most talented and qualified candidates.
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